Neptune's face.


Masc Genderqueer - They/She/He/It - Sea Monster - Designed by ForestFright


Neptune is a sea monster. She will get angry if you try to label her as anything else. She is very proud of her sea monster heritage and culture. According to her, said culture consists of "eating stupid humans who ask stupid questions." She then ate our interviewer and we were unable to gain any more information.


Neptune is a mostly gray bipedal sea monster covered in thick fur. They have a long, fish-like head with sharp teeth and a bifurcated reptilian tongue. They have fins with blue webbing on either side of their head and a thick mane going down their neck. They have a long tail ending in shark-like fins and webbed claws on their arms and legs. Their belly, crotch, and under-tail are lighter gray. Their mane, shoulders, base and tip of their tail, and most of their legs are all white. Their head, upper thighs, backside of their lower legs, and most of their tail are dark gray.

Art by ForestFright
7'9" - Muscular, fluffy, often stained with blood